Friday, January 14, 2011


October 24th I started having braxton hicks around 8:30p at about 10 we finally settled into bed watching the Sopranos I was uncomfortable but fell asleep fast. At about midnight I woke up with a strong contraction and I felt I had to pee really bad so up I go Corey woke to ask what was wrong I let him know I had what I thought was a contraction but he had to work the next day so he went back to sleep, no big deal, then about 20 minutes later I woke and the same thing happened, contraction then went to the bathroom. this happened once more so I did as my midwife had told me I ran a very warm bath and while in there I drank half of a wine cooler (pina colada) to help the contractions subside so I could get a good night sleep Yea right I had 3 contractions in the tub so I got out but left the water and went and laid back down again, every 20 minutes or so I would wake have a contraction and go pee I thought how can I have this much liquid to where I was peeing every 20 minutes? At 2am I thought OK this is it I am in labor I was fully awake kneeled next to the bed breathing through the contractions, I text my mom and told her this was happening I told her to hold off on coming over and I will call her later but I just wanted her to know. So at 4am when the contractions really kicked in they were at 5 minutes apart I called Sarah and told her she needed to come over, then I called my mom and told her that Sarah was on her way and I will keep her updated. Corey was wide awake at this point and he seriously did the flight of the bumble bee and cleaned the house spotless, dishes floors it was funny to watch while I am contracting next to the couch. Sarah got to the house at 4:40am and the first thing she did was check me I was already at 8cm whoa baby all I thought was that wasn't bad at all LOL she then said she would check me in a few hours and to just get in a position that was comfortable and chill for a little while. She was checking Emmas vitals and mine as well everything was great! After my next contraction I asked can you check me again she said lets wait for a few more to happen. The assistant Angela arrived shortly after Sarah I had never met here but she was awesome very comforting and just asked what I needed she would apply pressure to my lower back during contractions while Corey held my hand and gave me something to focus on. The next hour went by so fast I labored on the toliet and sqautted next to the bed it was amazing. Without drugs I could feel Emma coming down the birth canal I felt everything don't get me wrong it hurt but it was more of an amazing experience than you could ever imagine. finally Emma crowned and Sarah told me to flip up on to the bed Corey got up behind me the weird thing was without wanting to we faced a mirror on the closet door and in the midst of everything Corey and I both laughed finally Sarah stood in front of the mirror thank goodness, she told me to reach down and touch Emmas head (that was a gross feeling it felt like a brain) I pushed maybe 3-4 times and out she came the cord was around her neck once so Sarah sumersaulted her out and Corey was right there to catch her then he placed her on my chest.

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