Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fun Facts

**********Emma is the first Native Texans in Coreys whole family she is the first to be born in Texas.

**********We decided on the name Emma Claire because we loved it but little did we know that we each have great-grandmas named Emma. Go figure

3 months

OMG she is starting to get teeth.

noone can prepare you for how horrible it is when teeth start to break the surface the look on her face and the sound of her cry like she is in so much pain and all I can do is rub orajel on her gums. I deal everyday with the removal of teeth but this is all new territory :(

On a positive note she is a great baby but is growing so fast she is still in newborn clothes but the sleepers with the feetsies she is in 0-3 months. I believe she had craddle cap but it has cleared up and she does great at the sitters but boy do I miss her when I am at work. Here are just a few cute pics

Say Cheese

At just 8 weeks old she started smiling on command all you have to do it say smile and this is what you get.....
Also around 2 and a half months she began to laugh it sounds like she is choking but once we realized what it was it is the sweetest sound ever,

Holidays 2010

Out of all the pictures I have I dont have any from Thanksgiving (Emmas 1st) but we did celebrate like we do every year for lunch we headed to Anna it was our first time being in the car for more than 20 minutes w/ a newborn so I was a little nervous Lucky us she slept the entire way there it was an hour and 10 minute drive. We had the usual chicken & dressing, ham, & all the veggies you could ask for. DELICIOUS!!! We visited as long as we could and of course passed Emma around for everyone to love on her & then we loaded up & headed back to Arlington To Brendas house. There we got to be w/ all of Coreys family even Grandpa Kevin. WE had there usual feast and visited forever. At the end of the night we headed home! Exhausted. Oh yea Emma was exactly a month old on Thanksgiving Day.

For Christmas we did what we do every year Christmas Eve we headed to Anna and spent the whole afternoon into the night with the whole family Emma got so much good stuff like a radio for her room w/ a few CDs, some clothes, diapers, wipes, and a new playmat. THen we headed home. Christmas morning we got up and had our christmas Corey had upgraded my diamond in my engagement ring and well I got him weights (thats what he asked for) we started a tradition being Emmas first Christmas and all, since both sides of the family will probably always get her what she wants we have decided to only get her 1 tree ornament and 2 books 1 about why we celebrate Christmas (Jesus) and then 1 about the made up Christmas (gifts& food) LOL We also celebrated at my dads house she got some really cute outfits and we hung out and had dinner.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Colorado comes to Texas

Grandpa Kevin came to visit Emma over Thanksgiving!

modeling at 16 days old

Emma Claire McGeorge

In daddys arms

photos by Sharon Ellman

a model on

her first pet Mayer

this is the gown mommy came home in -1986

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

more pics

mimi & Emma

grammy & Emma


Afew pics to catch us up

Our first family pic
Aunt Seana and Emma

Emma sleeping
Papa(my dad)
Emma look at those long legs

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Chiropractor 13 hours old

We had to have a chiropractor come out the day Emma was born because she was not latching on correctly. It was amazing that all the chiropractor had to do was adjust Emmas jaw and she immediatly started sucking correctly. After that she latched right on. Also while the chiropractor was at the house I had her adjust me the weird thing was I felt great after giving birth no pain nothing except my neck where Corey was holding me and I was using him as leverage I took 4 tylenol every 4 hours that day for my neck but as soon as I got adjusted I didn't have to take anything. Amazing!

Emmas First Car Ride

We took Emma on her first car ride to Coreys office Beck Industries to meet all of his co-workers. Corey drove, he was so careful! We thought she was so fragile and we have come to figure out she is very strong and nothing really phases her. She slept the entire way there and the entire way home! She is such a good baby.

Friday, January 14, 2011

We are officially parents

The first day was amazing Emma was born at 6:26am October 25th she weighed in at 6lbs 1 oz and she is 19 3/4 in long. She looks so much like her daddy. I took a nice warm herbal bath with Emma before family started to arrive. Her Grammy and Grandma were the first to get here after the birth. They were so excited it is Grammys first grandaughter and Grandmas first grandchild. My dad and his wife arrive shortly after and took tons of pics Im sure they passed her around and loved all over her but I was in no shape to visit, after being up all night I stayed in bed and they came in and said hello before leaving. Brenda cooked us breakfast while my mom cleaned up and loaded the dish washer they both were such a big help that first week.
Thank You both very much for everything!


October 24th I started having braxton hicks around 8:30p at about 10 we finally settled into bed watching the Sopranos I was uncomfortable but fell asleep fast. At about midnight I woke up with a strong contraction and I felt I had to pee really bad so up I go Corey woke to ask what was wrong I let him know I had what I thought was a contraction but he had to work the next day so he went back to sleep, no big deal, then about 20 minutes later I woke and the same thing happened, contraction then went to the bathroom. this happened once more so I did as my midwife had told me I ran a very warm bath and while in there I drank half of a wine cooler (pina colada) to help the contractions subside so I could get a good night sleep Yea right I had 3 contractions in the tub so I got out but left the water and went and laid back down again, every 20 minutes or so I would wake have a contraction and go pee I thought how can I have this much liquid to where I was peeing every 20 minutes? At 2am I thought OK this is it I am in labor I was fully awake kneeled next to the bed breathing through the contractions, I text my mom and told her this was happening I told her to hold off on coming over and I will call her later but I just wanted her to know. So at 4am when the contractions really kicked in they were at 5 minutes apart I called Sarah and told her she needed to come over, then I called my mom and told her that Sarah was on her way and I will keep her updated. Corey was wide awake at this point and he seriously did the flight of the bumble bee and cleaned the house spotless, dishes floors it was funny to watch while I am contracting next to the couch. Sarah got to the house at 4:40am and the first thing she did was check me I was already at 8cm whoa baby all I thought was that wasn't bad at all LOL she then said she would check me in a few hours and to just get in a position that was comfortable and chill for a little while. She was checking Emmas vitals and mine as well everything was great! After my next contraction I asked can you check me again she said lets wait for a few more to happen. The assistant Angela arrived shortly after Sarah I had never met here but she was awesome very comforting and just asked what I needed she would apply pressure to my lower back during contractions while Corey held my hand and gave me something to focus on. The next hour went by so fast I labored on the toliet and sqautted next to the bed it was amazing. Without drugs I could feel Emma coming down the birth canal I felt everything don't get me wrong it hurt but it was more of an amazing experience than you could ever imagine. finally Emma crowned and Sarah told me to flip up on to the bed Corey got up behind me the weird thing was without wanting to we faced a mirror on the closet door and in the midst of everything Corey and I both laughed finally Sarah stood in front of the mirror thank goodness, she told me to reach down and touch Emmas head (that was a gross feeling it felt like a brain) I pushed maybe 3-4 times and out she came the cord was around her neck once so Sarah sumersaulted her out and Corey was right there to catch her then he placed her on my chest.

Ok I totally forgot to post some of our professional maternity pics by Sharon Ellman!

Home Birth

Throughout the pregnancy Corey and I have discussed with our midwife Sarah Jones the pros and cons of a birth center birth compared to a home birth. At about 6 months we made a very educated decision to have a home birth. It was the most amazing decision I personally have ever made I never feared the "what if" I knew God was with us when we made the decision and he would be there when we followed through with our hearts desire. That being said you will definitley want to read the next post it is about the entire labor and delivery it may be graphic for some but if you have any desire to do a natural child birth at home this is a very positive experience to read about.

Carving pumpkins

Sunday October 24th we carved pumpkins: Corey Carved a C an A an E and a M for Corey Anjel Emma McGeorge
I wasnt feeling well so I carved BOO it was easy I did it without a stencil
then the others are Garys Seanas and Brendas.
That night we left Brendas around 8:30p I was having braxton hicks so we loaded up Mayer and headed to the house, that past Friday was my last day at work, Corey knew I would be spending alot of time in bed after Emma came so he went ahead and moved the spare TV into our bedroom w/ the DVD player. Sweet!

Second Baby Shower

I wish I had pics to post of my second baby shower the decor was absolutley amazing "milk & cookies" too cute it was thrown by my girlies Rachel Rodriguez & Cristina Byars. I got so much fun stuff gosh clothes, shoes, blankets, & toys. Marsha Averitt made this awesome cake it was yummy & GORGEOUS ...... find her at or type in mush cakes on facebook & check out her pics. Thanks Chicas for my shower!

Pregnancy Scare I think NOT!!!

On October 6th we had a second sonogram (at Mimis request) w/ Dr. Clark OBGYN He proceeded to tell us that Emma was under weight @ 5.4lbs and that her abdomen was not progressing like the rest of her body. We were told that if I was DR. Clarks patient he would take Emma by C-section that very next week which would make me @ 37 weeks. To me that did not make any sense. I believe babies comes when they are ready and if she isn't done growing why would you take her out pump her full of drugs to help her grow I mean my body will give her everything she needs God made it that way for a reason. I never had a doubt that she was ok but I wanted to talk to my midwife about it for sure. We discussed what Dr. Clark had said and Sarah recommended a third sonogram to settle everyones mind we did not go back to Dr. Clark. We went to a place that only does sonograms, my mom, Corey and Sarah came to the appointment with me. It turns out Emma is perfect she may be a bit small but the technician thought maybe my due date is off so they moved it to November 8th, instead of October 28th. I said so what your telling me is I'm not gonna have a huge baby? SWEET I mean I am doing this labor thing all natural no epidural and No I'm not CRAZY I'm EDUCATED! I believe my body is designed to labor this way as many women before me have done it! Corey and I left this appointment with a weight lifted off our shoulders we both knew God was in control of this pregnancy and he was taking care of our little girl ever step of the way.

36 weeks

36 weeks pregnant and I forgot to post we decided her name is gonna be drum roll please Emma Claire McGeorge.

I am seeing Sarah Jones every week now it is getting so close now

Baby Shower

My baby shower August 28th

Robyn made my diaper cake
Me Jen & Tara looking at all of Emmas Clothes

A pic of all the hosts
Brenda (mother-in-law)
Monica (mother)
Judy (mimi)
Stephanie (sister-in-law)